Valley Timber 606546 B.C. Ltd

Western Canadian Timber Products Ltd is the product of an evolution of safety, quality, responsible forest products, and service. We are proud of our past (The Dorman Group, Dorman Timber Ltd & Tamihi Logging Co Ltd) and are excited to grow in to the global markets with new brand and name, reflective of our growth as a leader within the communities and the Province.

For over 42 years, before many people consider getting out of bed each morning, the family owned and operated Western Canadian Timber Products Ltd employees are deep in the mountains, working hard to provide for their families and communities. Working with a renewable resource in one of the most exciting and rewarding industries, continues to bring our people together day after day providing all of us with personal and professional success. We are in it for the long haul and look forward to the challenges and successes of our team and their communities for generations to come.

Site Collective Agreement
Union Service Rep

Al Bieksa

Tel:(604) 513-1850
Cell:(604) 842-2900


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